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Greenwich Kenpo Karate

About Kenpo




The exact history of Karate has been lost in the antiquity of time, and consequently no definite date can be established as to when it actually began. Many of the records that exist today are obscure and incorrect. We cannot tell how many writings have been destroyed or how many developments have never been recorded. Nor can we ascertain the truthfulness of the existing records. Bits of information seem to indicate that Karate, as it is known today, may have been practiced in India and China as long as five thousand years ago. Writings on turtle shells tell us that the Chinese did in fact practice the Art as far back as 21 B.C.

Although its true origin is obscure, a popular story that prevails gives credit to the Indian Priest Daruma or 'Bodhidharma in about 525 A.D. However, other great men such as Hua O'o (190-265 A.D.) a brilliant doctor and Yuen Fei a popular general (who lived during the Sung Dynasty 960-1275 A.D.) were considered the forefathers of modern day Karate. Karate originated as Kenpo meaning fist law (a term used by the Okinawan to describe the Chinese system). From China it crossed over to Okinawa where, known as "te", it consisted primarily of blows" chops and rips with the hand and fingers.

In 1923 the Okinawans changed the oriental character of Karate, which was then Chinese to that of a Japanese character. Then the meaning changed from "hands of China" to "empty hand. This change assuredly brought about a deeper meaning in which the spiritual overcame the physical.

From Okinawa two experts, Kenwa Mabuni and Gigen Funakoshi lifted Karate's veil of secrecy in 1916 to introduce their techniques to Japan. Their aim was not to promote Karate as a martial art but as a sport throughout Japan.

Long before the Art was ever introduced to Okinawa many styles of the Art existed in China. Each style or system was noted for at least one distinct feat such as the development of the tiger claw, butterfly kick, panther punch, etc. In addition, many members of the various systems guarded their secret ways of training. Among the systems of Southern China stemming from the Shaolin or Shorinji temple the most well known were the following five; namely; Hung, Liu, Ts'ai, or choi in Cantonese, li and mo. There are 'other Cantonese as well as northern systems, The northern styles placed great emphasis on the floor rolling, use of the feet and jumping movements. Because of this, not much emphasis was placed on strong stances. The southern styles placed great emphasis on stance work as well as handwork.

There are basically five known styles in Okinawa -- Kobsyshi-ryu, Shoriji-ryu, Shito-ryu, Goju-ryu and Euchi-ryu.

In the last five decades since the Japanese took it up, the techniques have been modified so that they too claim styles of their own such as Shoto-kan, Shudo-kan, Waddo-ryu, Chitose-ryu and others.

The Koreans have also modified their techniques claiming such styles as Tae-kwan-do, Moo-do-kwan, Tang-soo-do and others.

Regardless of National modifications that were developed and suited to their individual environment, we can say that four systems exist in the Orient today -- Chinese, Okinawan, Korean, and Japanese. In comparison, Chinese styles are graceful, flowing, circular, and are much more flexible than the Japanese (who believe in power punches and kicks), Okinawan (who stress breathing exercises), and Koreans (who specialize in high kicks and breaking of boards and bricks) styles which are basically rigid.

Unfortunately, many of the classical Chinese styles along with the Japanese, Okinawan, and Korean styles are impractical as a modern means of self-defense. This stems from the fact that many of these systems were originally designed for exercise. In addition, most of these styles today do not recognize the need for change especially in our "environment". While some offer excellent ideas on unarmed fighting, a number of their methods are outdated, and unfit for present day fighting in the United States.

These same arts, influenced by the Chinese, were brought to the Hawaiian Islands. It was here that Mr. Ed Parker, a native of Hawaii, learned these arts under one of the world's leading black belt holders and American innovators of the Art, Prof. William K.S. Chow.

In addition to Prof. Chow’s modifications, Mr. Parker has also realized the need to revise the old methods to cope with modern day fighting. Thus the system he now teaches is unique, practical, realistic, applicable and encompasses sound logic, reasoning and theoretical innovations not yet employed by other systems. Through Mr. Parker's innovations, a fifth system has emerged -- the American system -- to be more specific "The Parker System of Karate".

Although we should respect the various styles of Karate stemming from the Orient we must not overlook their need for improvement. While Mr. Parker's system still retains traditional flavor to enhance ethical behavior, it has been designed to fit the needs and ability of the individual concerned.

We should be grateful for Mr. Parker's unending contributions and proud and privileged that we had his creative knowledge to guide us in keeping abreast with updated developments.



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